Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

A Quick Plan for Successful Personal Growth

Change and personal growth are the keys to life. There is no stagnation you are either growing or atrophying. Don’t overcomplicate what it takes to grow. Start with a simple process.

Is now the time?

I often check with myself about if I still have my foot on the GAS (give a sh*t). When I don’t that is when I know it is time to shake things up.

Of course now is the time, but how?

To know how to grow starts with knowing yourself. What are the things you are passionate about that you don’t spend enough time doing. Do more of those. Write a list of the what and the why you are passionate about them.

What are the skills you need to grow to do more of the thing you are passionate about and do it well. Learn them. Create a plan and stick to it? A 20-minute block of time a day really is all it takes. Content is plentiful; videos, podcasts, webcasts, mentors and books find the medium that works for you.

What is an environment or project where you can apply the new skills and work on your passion. Move closer to that environment or project. The idea of jumping into a new environment is a change in and of itself so if you are in a good environment with great leadership and/or teammates the grass likely isn’t greener. In this instance ask for more work or an expanded responsibility set.

Who is a person who can hold you accountable for chasing the passion, learning the new skills, and leaning into the discomfort of change? Engage them in your journey. Change is hard so accountability is incredibly valuable.


To say it again. There is no stagnation, you are constantly either growing or atrophying. Be on a trajectory of growth not death. It’s good for you and it’s good for the thing you are passionate about.

jonathan couser