Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

How to get past Quitters Friday in 5 easy steps

Quitting Friday, or Quitters Day, marks when many abandon New Year’s resolutions. Daniel Pink’s Drive offers insights to stay motivated through autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Own your goals by aligning them with personal values, focus on progress over perfection, and reconnect with the deeper "why." Build supportive habits and lean on accountability partners. Motivation isn’t about never faltering but persevering. On Quitters Day, choose to recommit, rekindle your fire, and keep moving forward.

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The Reason You’re Getting Authenticity Wrong

Living authentically as someone made in God’s image provides a stability and depth that no self-made version of authenticity can match. It’s a path that leads to purpose, fulfillment, and relationships that stand the test of time. Any other version will ultimately lead to disappointment.

Start your journey today. Begin with humility, self-awareness, and a commitment to grow into the person God created you to be. True authenticity isn’t about living your truth; it’s about living His truth.

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A lesson in choosing kindness from the school drop off line

In our busy lives, it’s essential to remember that every small act of kindness contributes to a larger tapestry of community and connection. By making the conscious choice to be kind, we can create a culture where empathy and understanding thrive.

Let’s strive to be the drivers who, even when faced with the chaos of life, choose to pause, reflect, and act with kindness. After all, the benefits of a compassionate approach extend far beyond a single moment; they can transform our days and, ultimately, our communities.

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jonathan couser
What can you do to keep learning in a world of algorithms?

You are consuming more information than ever before. Still, you are learning less than ever before because unless you intentionally make an effort, almost all the content is content you are already agreeable to.

Only consuming agreeable content, especially in short form, prevents you from learning.

To relearn the art of learning, you need to be intentional about applying the steps in this article.

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10 Lessons on living your best life from my trip to Colorado

If you move through life at the pace of everyone else, you will experience life like everyone else. If you experience life like everybody else, you should expect to get the same results as everyone else. 

So, if your goal is to get better results than everyone else, you must experience life differently. 

Here are some examples of the fruits of living differently from a recent trip to Colorado. 

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10 things parents are doing to exasperate their children in 2024

What is the goal of parenting?

To raise children who become self-sufficient adults who are decent human beings. Self-sufficient meaning they can manage their own emotions, provide for their own needs, and live in mutually beneficial relationships with others.

This article covers 10 things you are doing that are hurting your ability to lead your kids to success.

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What is the highest form of control?

You have probably heard the advice to control what you can control. 

The advice might be followed with a suggestion, which is to write down the list of things on your mind and then to identify the subset of that list that you can control.

The list of things you can control is always considerably smaller than the totality of everything on your mind.  But there is a higher form of control that you should be striving for.

It’s as if to say if you can’t control it, you shouldn’t worry about it. A renewed mind paired with self-control habits leads to success in more circumstances and the ability to truly control what you can control, which is yourself. #self-control #selfcontrol #mindset #habits

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What do you do when you don’t have 100% to give?

Taking the mindset of giving 100% of all you have, especially when it is less than 100% you have to give, helps avoid procrastination and creates forward movement. You will be surprised how good it feels to accomplish small things when you start from a place of believing you can’t accomplish anything. This article talks about how to do it. #habits #momentum #impact #forward

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If success hurts it isn't success

Truly successful people are achieving a definition of success that they develop for themselves, and they are intentional about the way they achieve and measure success. Truly succession people are filled with joy, not regret. Truly successful people aren’t comparing their success against others because they don’t care; they know success can’t be measured in comparison to others only through comparing today’s version of you to yesterdays.

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You will never achieve perfection but here is why you can’t stop trying

Perfection is a myth. Perfection doesn’t exist. Chasing it is like looking for Bigfoot. It may seem like a fantastic idea because should you achieve perfection (or find Bigfoot), you’ll get lots of recognition. But the reality is no one ever finds Bigfoot, just like no human has ever achieved perfection. All searching for perfection (or Bigfoot) produces is wasted energy, wasted time, and disappointment. The better alternative is delivering impact through significant enough outputs followed by iterative adjustments towards even better outcomes.  Here are five reasons you keep chasing perfection. #success #changemanagement #progress

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jonathan couser
Things I learned about personal boundaries from cattle

Boundaries are helpful for healthy relationships and safe cattle farming. Be sure to establish, communicate, and maintain your boundaries, so they achieve their intended objective. Remember, if your boundaries are too strong, you will eventually keep everyone out. The goal of boundaries isn’t to keep people out; it is to maintain health and mutually beneficial relationships. #personalboundaries #healthrelationships #farmlife #personalleadership

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Done well and good intentions are not synonymous.

Don't stop looking for ways to sprinkle the small things into your work and personal life. They really do make other people smile. But do these things in such a way that the initial smile doesn’t quickly and permanently fade into a frown because your attempt at a small thing isn’t done well. Three things you can do to get the small things right. #customerservice #service

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Dating as a series of healthy experiments not as wins and loses

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to run any kind of experiments. It would be a world without regret. You would already know everything necessary to have an amazing lasting relationship. But the world isn’t perfect. Intentional experiments are how you learn to thrive in romantic relationships while enjoying the journey. #relationships #datingexperiments #healthyrelationships

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