Quitting Friday, or Quitters Day, marks when many abandon New Year’s resolutions. Daniel Pink’s Drive offers insights to stay motivated through autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Own your goals by aligning them with personal values, focus on progress over perfection, and reconnect with the deeper "why." Build supportive habits and lean on accountability partners. Motivation isn’t about never faltering but persevering. On Quitters Day, choose to recommit, rekindle your fire, and keep moving forward.
Read MoreLiving authentically as someone made in God’s image provides a stability and depth that no self-made version of authenticity can match. It’s a path that leads to purpose, fulfillment, and relationships that stand the test of time. Any other version will ultimately lead to disappointment.
Start your journey today. Begin with humility, self-awareness, and a commitment to grow into the person God created you to be. True authenticity isn’t about living your truth; it’s about living His truth.
Read MoreYou are consuming more information than ever before. Still, you are learning less than ever before because unless you intentionally make an effort, almost all the content is content you are already agreeable to.
Only consuming agreeable content, especially in short form, prevents you from learning.
To relearn the art of learning, you need to be intentional about applying the steps in this article.
Read MoreYou have probably heard the advice to control what you can control.
The advice might be followed with a suggestion, which is to write down the list of things on your mind and then to identify the subset of that list that you can control.
The list of things you can control is always considerably smaller than the totality of everything on your mind. But there is a higher form of control that you should be striving for.
It’s as if to say if you can’t control it, you shouldn’t worry about it. A renewed mind paired with self-control habits leads to success in more circumstances and the ability to truly control what you can control, which is yourself. #self-control #selfcontrol #mindset #habits
Read MoreSo, the true gateway to increased productivity and greater success is to stop living in fear. 10 things you can do to make the most of your 24 daily hours. #productivity, #discipline, #lifehacks
Read MoreTaking the mindset of giving 100% of all you have, especially when it is less than 100% you have to give, helps avoid procrastination and creates forward movement. You will be surprised how good it feels to accomplish small things when you start from a place of believing you can’t accomplish anything. This article talks about how to do it. #habits #momentum #impact #forward
Read MoreTruly successful people are achieving a definition of success that they develop for themselves, and they are intentional about the way they achieve and measure success. Truly succession people are filled with joy, not regret. Truly successful people aren’t comparing their success against others because they don’t care; they know success can’t be measured in comparison to others only through comparing today’s version of you to yesterdays.
Read MoreFear and excitement are really close emotionally and during times of change there are a few things you can do to take control of how you emotionally react to change. Choosing excitement over fear and increasing the chances for finding joy during times of change.
Read MoreWe all get frustrated. We don’t all get past it well. Getting to I am frustrated because helps move past the frustration more quickly. Here are five sources of frustration and what you can do to get beyond them.
Read MoreI am willing to say I have never followed a nudge that resulted in a truly negative outcome. Any chance to make a positive impact in the life of another is worth the effort, even if you are acting based on a subconscious nudge. #faith #habits #christianpractices #spirit #spiritled
Read MoreIf your 2023 is a year of greater focus, your 2023 will be more incredible. Don’t measure yourself by how much you do or how busy you are; instead, measure yourself by how profound your impact is and how engaged in life you are. Here are steps to take to bring more focus to your life.
Read MoreFor this article taking care of yourself means proactively addressing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life in ways that help you achieve your long-term goals and/or improve short-term performance.#habits#goals#betterlife
Read MoreAs I was reflecting on my reading list from 2021 , two things stood out. First, it’s a much shorter list this year. I only read 27 books. This was mainly because my family bought a farm, which required me to divert my time resources for three months away from reading and towards packing, moving, unpacking, and then restoring our full of potential fixer upper.
Read MoreMy family completed our holiday tradition this past weekend. We gathered as a group and gave back by handing out Thanksgiving Meal kits at a local charity. We then broke bread as a family celebrating relationships and then headed to the grocery store to check the items off a secret Santa list.
Read MoreIn part one, I focused mostly on the personal impacts of moving, so in part two, I will talk about what I learned about getting work done. I learned a lot about executing and bringing a large project to life. In no particular order, here are five things that you can apply in life or on the job.
Read MoreIf you are actively engaged in living, you will encounter problems. However, especially in the workplace, some people choose to live life as if one of the definitions of success is never letting anyone know you have encountered a problem. Success looks like being so buttoned up and so over-prepared that things appear always to be going as planned. There is a better way.
Read MoreSo, although the process exists for a reason, and there may be parts of the process that are necessary because they enable you to follow the rules/laws, or they keep you/others safe or enable success today. The goal of your job is ALWAYS BIGGER than the process. I guarantee it. How can I do that? Because if the BIGGER thing didn’t exist, there would be no need for the process. The process exists to achieve the thing, not the other way around.
Read MoreI know I have a problem because the microwave says :01
Great people, teams, and businesses are great because of the things they achieve. They achieve greatness by always growing, always moving forward, and always pushing past mediocrity. Replacing comfort and contentment with healthy amounts of discomfort and stress. This requires team members to speak boldly, candidly but always with positive intentions.
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