Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Posts tagged leadership
What to do with noisy windchimes

You don’t need to solve every problem you encounter, which is good because you literally can’t. Your resources have limits, so you must learn how to manage them wisely, and sometimes that means ignoring the windchime. The decision to live with the occasional noise it creates is more responsible than devoting resources to quieting something when there are minimal returns on creating the silence.

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Addressing difficult subjects in your relationships

The goal of sharing truth or engaging in conflict with someone in your personal community should be to improve the relationship and encourage the other person to consider if a change is best for them and your relationship.

This type of honest dialogue, when done appropriately, creates deep connection. Deep connection creates long term mutually beneficial relationships capable of withstanding difficulty.

Follow this model to help you improve the quality of your interactions over subjects that might cause conflict.

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Re-evaluating Leadership Axioms: Need to Know Info

One of the things that I believe has helped me as a leader is Leading with a growth mindset—embracing that the world of work has changed and will continue to evolve. I am consistently looking to learn and share what I learn.

So when I say need to know information, I flip this well know axiom by encouraging that all information is need to know, and everyone needs to know all the information. Leaders should model this by going first and encouraging everyone to follow their lead. #effectivecommunication #leadershipbestpractices #communication #bestpractices

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How to communicate simply but influence exquisitely

Effective communicators will rule the future. The mediums will change but the basic blocking and tackling (or scale for my musical friends) will stand the test of time. The best communicators share content in ways that bring others into the story. They are able to influence others into action by making sure the value is felt. They are willing to learn about and then be empathetic to the experience that others filter the message being shared through.

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The word of 2022 needs to be Courage Part 1: What is Courage and Why you Need it

As I was reflecting on my reading list from 2021 , two things stood out. First, it’s a much shorter list this year. I only read 27 books. This was mainly because my family bought a farm, which required me to divert my time resources for three months away from reading and towards packing, moving, unpacking, and then restoring our full of potential fixer upper.

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Life Lessons from the other side of moving (Part 1)

Having experienced the reality of barely surviving (more truth than hyperbole in that statement) the stress, discomfort, lack of control, and fatigue of moving. I on fully on board with the research that concludes the physical, mental and emotional demands of moving lead it to being one of the most stressful events in your life.

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Asking for Help is Strength Not Weakness

If you are actively engaged in living, you will encounter problems. However, especially in the workplace, some people choose to live life as if one of the definitions of success is never letting anyone know you have encountered a problem. Success looks like being so buttoned up and so over-prepared that things appear always to be going as planned. There is a better way.

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I Can’t Be the Only One Who Neglects Myself When Stressed, Right?

According to a book I was recently reading, Your Oxygen Mask First, most leaders who are chasing after their version of greatness suffer from a pretty severe tendency to neglect themselves. This apparently has adverse effects on a leader’s ability to achieve the greatness they are chasing. Put me on that list. I am probably an all-star in that endeavor, maybe even a future hall of famer.

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