Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

How to communicate simply but influence exquisitely

Three core components to being an effective communicator are below with some actionable items to consider for each.

Effective being defined as using communication to compel others to action, not simply to entertain.

Start by crafting a compelling narrative.

Engage with others in a narrative where your content is shared in such a way that others care to hear what you have to say and can follow you along your path of reasoning.

  • Tell a story

  • Limit the number of key points and supporting data

  • Insert hooks like humor, anecdotes or questions (contemplative or for discussion)

  • Don’t forget the value of visuals

Make your aim influencing others to action

Be influential so that others are open to considering the value of what you have to say and their own need to take action based on the content you share.

  • Believe in what you have to say and let that confidence show

  • Be courageous in saying difficult things but with positive intent

  • Set out to create advocacy not adversaries by making it obvious what is in it for the audience and why it should matter to them

Don’t forget to listen with intent

Listen empathetically and with intensity so you can seek to understand not to be understood (if you execute points 1 and 2 well being understood is the outcome; you are listening to understand the individuals unique perspective and needs).

  • When engaged in dialogue genuinely seek to hear what others opinions, objections, and suggestions are so you can customize your replies.

  • Ask questions and listen to what is said and experience the emotions it is said with

  • Assume there is a shred of truth in all opposition, find it


Effective communicators will rule the future. The mediums will change but the basic blocking and tackling (or scale for my musical friends) will stand the test of time. The best communicators share content in ways that bring others into the story. They are able to influence others into action by making sure the value is felt. They are willing to learn about and then be empathetic to the experiences that others filter the message being shared through.