
Doing Life Together Podcast

Home of the Doing Life Together Podcast.

A episodic podcast providing a multi-generational perspective on topics related to living well, leading well, and relating to others well.

Current Episode - full episode list is below.

Podcast Episode 12: What types of relationships do you need?

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Episode 10: Building a Plan for your best life Amended. How Christianity fits in with living your best life.

As a follow up to episodes 6 and 7 of the Doing Life Together Podcast where we discuss the ARCH Impacts for Life framework. We explore how you can live a life of significance(success) in a sustainable way by moving along a journey to 

  • Understand your Authentic Self (your design across 6 key factors for success)

  • Determine the Results most important to you

  • Become part of three types of communities and have healthy relationships in all of them 

  • Build habits that will work for you based on your design 

Episode 10 covers how your personal relationship with Christ and your efforts to mature in your ability to living like Jesus should impact how you go about living your best life.

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jonathan couser
Episode 9: (Anti)- Social Media?

In this episode of the Doing Life Together Podcast we discuss the decisions we made as a family on when to provide access to social media for our kids. We leverage insights from the book The Anxious Generation during our discussion. We cover items like

Do incentives for staying off of social media work?

Why is social media dangerous from pre-teens and teens?

What did our kids feel like were the benefits and drawbacks of their decisions to start using social media at a variety of ages.

Don't forget to check us on out where ever you listen to podcasts. And consider a like and subscribe.

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Episode 8: Ask Each Other Anything

In this episode of the Doing Life Together Podcast, we discuss random questions like 

  • How many showers in a day is too many?

  • Who would win in a fight a human or an eagle?

  • What are the true impacts of living in a sports house divided?

Get to know us a little better. 

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Episode 7: Building a Plan for your best life. Feeling fulfilled instead of fed up. (Part 2)

In these episodes (6 and 7) of the Doing Life Together Podcast we discuss the ARCH Impacts for Life framework. We explore how you can live a life of significance(success) in a sustainable way by moving along a journey to 

  • Understand your Authentic Self (your design across 6 key factors for success)

  • Determine the Results most important to you

  • Become part of three types of communities and have healthy relationships in all of them 

  • Build habits that will work for you based on your design 

Episode 7 covers the communities and habits you need to build. 

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jonathan couser
Episode 6: Building a Plan for your best life. Feeling fulfilled instead of fed up.

In these episodes (6 and 7) of the Doing Life Together Podcast we discuss the ARCH Impacts for Life framework. We explore how you can live a life of significance(success) in a sustainable way by moving along a journey to 

  • Understand your Authentic Self (your design across 6 key factors for success)

  • Determine the Results most important to you

  • Become part of three types of communities and have healthy relationships in all of them 

  • Build habits that will work for you based on your design 

Episode 6 covers your design (authenticity) and achieving the results most important to you. 

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jonathan couser
Episode 5: Multi-generational leadership part 2

In these episodes (4 and 5) we discuss what does leadership mean to different generations , how has leadership evolved over the generations, where do we learn leadership, how do different generations prefer to be led and share the results of our multi-generational leadership survey.

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jonathan couser
Episode 4: Multi-generational leadership part 1

In these episodes (4 and 5) we discuss what does leadership mean to different generations , how has leadership evolved over the generations, where do we learn leadership, how do different generations prefer to be led and share the results of our multi-generational leadership survey.

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jonathan couser
Episode 2: Would we do travel sports again?

In this episode of the Doing Life Together Podcast we discuss youth sports. Youth sports are growing in popularity, especially travel sports, this podcast we look back on over a decade of travel sports experiences to determine if we would do it all again. We share information that can help you make a decision on what role sports should have in your families life.

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jonathan couserpodcast