
Doing Life Together Podcast

Home of the Doing Life Together Podcast.

A episodic podcast providing a multi-generational perspective on topics related to living well, leading well, and relating to others well.

Current Episode - full episode list is below.

Podcast Episode 12: What types of relationships do you need?

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Episode 9: (Anti)- Social Media?

In this episode we discuss the decisions we made as a family on when to provide access to social media to our kids. We leverage insights from the book The Anxious Generation during our discussion. We cover items like 

  • Do incentives for staying off of social media work?

  • Why is social media dangerous from pre-teens and teens?

  • What did our kids feel like were the benefits and drawbacks of their decisions to start using social media at a variety of ages?

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Learn more about the The Anxious Generation book.

Episode 9 of the Doing Life Together Podcast. (Anti-) Social Media.