Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Posts tagged behaviors
The Reason You’re Getting Authenticity Wrong

Living authentically as someone made in God’s image provides a stability and depth that no self-made version of authenticity can match. It’s a path that leads to purpose, fulfillment, and relationships that stand the test of time. Any other version will ultimately lead to disappointment.

Start your journey today. Begin with humility, self-awareness, and a commitment to grow into the person God created you to be. True authenticity isn’t about living your truth; it’s about living His truth.

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10 Lessons on living your best life from my trip to Colorado

If you move through life at the pace of everyone else, you will experience life like everyone else. If you experience life like everybody else, you should expect to get the same results as everyone else. 

So, if your goal is to get better results than everyone else, you must experience life differently. 

Here are some examples of the fruits of living differently from a recent trip to Colorado. 

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What is the highest form of control?

You have probably heard the advice to control what you can control. 

The advice might be followed with a suggestion, which is to write down the list of things on your mind and then to identify the subset of that list that you can control.

The list of things you can control is always considerably smaller than the totality of everything on your mind.  But there is a higher form of control that you should be striving for.

It’s as if to say if you can’t control it, you shouldn’t worry about it. A renewed mind paired with self-control habits leads to success in more circumstances and the ability to truly control what you can control, which is yourself. #self-control #selfcontrol #mindset #habits

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Done well and good intentions are not synonymous.

Don't stop looking for ways to sprinkle the small things into your work and personal life. They really do make other people smile. But do these things in such a way that the initial smile doesn’t quickly and permanently fade into a frown because your attempt at a small thing isn’t done well. Three things you can do to get the small things right. #customerservice #service

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What to do with noisy windchimes

You don’t need to solve every problem you encounter, which is good because you literally can’t. Your resources have limits, so you must learn how to manage them wisely, and sometimes that means ignoring the windchime. The decision to live with the occasional noise it creates is more responsible than devoting resources to quieting something when there are minimal returns on creating the silence.

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