
Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Posts tagged strategy
10 things parents are doing to exasperate their children in 2024

What is the goal of parenting?

To raise children who become self-sufficient adults who are decent human beings. Self-sufficient meaning they can manage their own emotions, provide for their own needs, and live in mutually beneficial relationships with others.

This article covers 10 things you are doing that are hurting your ability to lead your kids to success.

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Done well and good intentions are not synonymous.

Don't stop looking for ways to sprinkle the small things into your work and personal life. They really do make other people smile. But do these things in such a way that the initial smile doesn’t quickly and permanently fade into a frown because your attempt at a small thing isn’t done well. Three things you can do to get the small things right. #customerservice #service

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The Courage to be Intentional in a World of Amplification and Distraction

The books on culture, leadership, and success I read last year provided consistent advice for teams, leaders, and companies that want to be great. Get exceptionally good at knowing what the most important things are, talk about them constantly, execute against them flawlessly and measure success. The advice is basically: Be more intentional.

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