Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Posts tagged best practices
How to Leave a Lasting Legacy: Becoming a Top #10 Person

You may never be remembered as the richest, the most famous, or the most successful in your field. But by focusing on relationships and living as a Top #10 Person, you can create a legacy that truly matters—one built on love, connection, and positive impact.

As Confucius said (we think it was him), the impact you make on others is the one that lasts. So start your journey of joining someone else’s top ten list today. visit to learn more.

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How to get past Quitters Friday in 5 easy steps

Quitting Friday, or Quitters Day, marks when many abandon New Year’s resolutions. Daniel Pink’s Drive offers insights to stay motivated through autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Own your goals by aligning them with personal values, focus on progress over perfection, and reconnect with the deeper "why." Build supportive habits and lean on accountability partners. Motivation isn’t about never faltering but persevering. On Quitters Day, choose to recommit, rekindle your fire, and keep moving forward.

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What can you do to keep learning in a world of algorithms?

You are consuming more information than ever before. Still, you are learning less than ever before because unless you intentionally make an effort, almost all the content is content you are already agreeable to.

Only consuming agreeable content, especially in short form, prevents you from learning.

To relearn the art of learning, you need to be intentional about applying the steps in this article.

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10 Lessons on living your best life from my trip to Colorado

If you move through life at the pace of everyone else, you will experience life like everyone else. If you experience life like everybody else, you should expect to get the same results as everyone else. 

So, if your goal is to get better results than everyone else, you must experience life differently. 

Here are some examples of the fruits of living differently from a recent trip to Colorado. 

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10 things parents are doing to exasperate their children in 2024

What is the goal of parenting?

To raise children who become self-sufficient adults who are decent human beings. Self-sufficient meaning they can manage their own emotions, provide for their own needs, and live in mutually beneficial relationships with others.

This article covers 10 things you are doing that are hurting your ability to lead your kids to success.

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What do you do when you don’t have 100% to give?

Taking the mindset of giving 100% of all you have, especially when it is less than 100% you have to give, helps avoid procrastination and creates forward movement. You will be surprised how good it feels to accomplish small things when you start from a place of believing you can’t accomplish anything. This article talks about how to do it. #habits #momentum #impact #forward

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Seven C's of a Successful Marriage

A healthy marriage is one of the biggest blessings that you can experience. An unhealthy marriage can be one of the most significant burdens you will ever endure. You get to choose.

A hard reality is that your marriage will impact the lives of generations of individuals, some you know and some you will never meet. The question you must ask yourself is what do I want that impact to be (positive or negative), and am I living out my marriage in an intentional way to get there?

Here are 7 factors that if you apply them intentionally to your marriage, you will achieve lasting positive impact and leave a legacy worth repeating.

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Life Lessons from the other side of moving (Part 1)

Having experienced the reality of barely surviving (more truth than hyperbole in that statement) the stress, discomfort, lack of control, and fatigue of moving. I on fully on board with the research that concludes the physical, mental and emotional demands of moving lead it to being one of the most stressful events in your life.

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